Industry Resources

Industry Resources

Air Medical Services Cost Study Report (2017)
Conducted by Xcenda LLC, this study is in response to the need for reputable, independent research specific to air medical transport in order to quantify the costs associated with providing emergent air medical transports

#EMSForward (January 2016)
Center for Patient Safety (CPS) #EMSForward report to support and promote safety in EMS

AAMS Model State Guidelines
A sequel to the 2007 paper entitled Air Medical Services: Future Development as an Integrated Component of the Emergency Medical Services System, these guidelines seek to outline core components and potential language of model state regulation that can be shared with State EMS officials and others interested in state-level oversight of air medical transport.

MedEvac Foundation Public Education White Papers

Air Medical Services: Future Development as an Integrated Component of the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) System
A guidance document by the Air Medical Task Force of the National Association of State EMS Officials, the National Association of EMS Physicians and the Association of Air Medical Services.

EMS Workforce for the 21st Century: A National Assessment
Emergency medical technicians (EMTs) and paramedics are a critical component of any community’s Emergency Medical Services (EMS) system. Assuring the continued viability of the prehospital EMS workforce is a key concern for many local, State, Federal, and tribal EMS agencies, as well as national EMS organizations. As a first step in systematically addressing the issue, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, in partnership with the Health Resources and Services Administration’s (HRSA) Emergency Medical Services for Children program, supported a research project led by the Center for the Health Professions and School of Nursing at the University of California San Francisco with assistance from the Center for Health Workforce Studies at the University of Washington. The intent of this research is to provide guidance to the national EMS community in ensuring a viable EMS workforce for the future.

Updated Economic Analysis of the U.S. Rotary Wing Air Medical Transport Industry
Following the release of an earlier version of this report dated June 2013, Economic & Planning Systems (EPS) discovered that there were errors and inconsistencies in the underlying survey data used to report the economic benefits. After attention was brought to the fact that primary data collected and used from air medical transport (AMT) programs throughout the U.S. contained flaws in reported operational costs and volume (i.e. number of patient transports), EPS requested that the link to the existing study be removed from the MedEvac Foundation’s website until a revision could be prepared. The link below is a revision of that study.

Updated Economic Analysis of the U.S. Rotary Wing Air Medical Transport Industry

Stay tuned for the Foundation’s 2nd Economic Impact Study, currently underway, focusing on hospitals and hospital-based medical transport programs. This new study will examine the impacts that air medical transport and critical care ground transport programs have on the hospitals they serve.